Revelation 22:20-21 – Its All About Jesus

‘The one who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.”
Amen.  Come, Lord Jesus!
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints.  Amen.’ (Revelation 22:20-21 NRSV)

These are the last two verses of the book of Revelation and so are also the last two verses of the Bible, but these are also the two verses that I feel that God wants me to bring into 2013.  They are my verses for the year.

Now in context this is referring to Jesus’ Second Coming.  I am not quite using it in context, but am interpreting it prophetically for this year ahead.

What do I feel God is saying about the year ahead?  I feel he is quite simply saying ‘Its all about Jesus’.

God has promised that he will move in revival power once again in the UK.  If there is one thing about a true revival it is always Christocentric, Jesus is always at its heart.

It was Jesus who bought our salvation on the cross, Jesus who is the firstborn of the dead, Jesus who is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven, Jesus who baptizes us in the Holy Spirit and Jesus gives the glory back to the Father!

It is Jesus who must be central to our prayers for revival as we seek the Father’s face, power and presence in his name alone.  In fact to live in revival is to experience the ultimate expression of the Kingdom of God here on earth that we can until Jesus returns.  Our prayer is Lord Jesus touch us again with your glory for your sake!

Yet it is still more than that!  We need Jesus to be central to all we do!  We need to be like Jesus in doing only what we see the Father doing.  We need to be like Jesus by sacrificially serving one another.  We need to be like Jesus in moving in the power of the Holy Spirit and glorifying the Father in all we do.

We also all need to grasp that we are saints who are seated now in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, we are defined now by God’s holiness, not by mankind’s sinfulness.

And we need more of his grace, both for ourselves, and to extend to others.

Heavenly Father, help us to make this coming year all about Jesus our Saviour, God and King, and about seeing his kingdom come on earth as it already is in heaven.  Help us to know his grace, truth and power in all we do.  In his name we ask, Amen!

One response to “Revelation 22:20-21 – Its All About Jesus

  1. YO!!!
    AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! We are on the same page Theresa (I’m always in Rev 22)!! And feeling HIS presence and sensing HIS preparing for a far reaching move!!!

    YES!! I’m very expectant!! More and more I’m reading various posts others are feeling that reflect what you and I are apparently experiencing…that’s the LORD!!! HE has HIS plan in motion and is always on time!!

    YES to receiving ALL good gifts HE gives thru HOLY SPIRIT!! And YES to disciplining!! Teaching others about pleading the BLOOD of JESUS and spiritual warfare and on and on of the things JESUS HIMSELF warned us about in these evil days. Things the evil one doesn’t want us to teach.

    I’ve been into the verse where Moses wants to see GOD’S glory (Exodus 33:18)…wanting to know HIM…desiring to be where HE is working…feasting on the joy of feeling the HOLY SPIRIT’S leading..that yearning to abide in constant communication. That’s what the LORD wants to give all who repent, turn, and surrender all to HIS control…abundant and joyful life here…while knowing the promise of heaven with HIM evermore!!!
    The glory is ALL for GOD!!!
    God bless you and my UK bro’s and sis’!

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